Project status
- Details
- Hits: 5589
Start of pilot-project: January 2010
Acquisition of first scanner: February 2010
Start of plate scans: March 2010
Automatic creation of web pages: July 2010
DFG funding proposal (Potsdam, Bamberg): February 2011
Acquisition of second scanner: May 2011
Acquisition of third scanner: July 2011
3500 plates (7%) scanned: September 2011
Publication of web-server: 1. December 2011
5000 plates (10%) scanned: March 2012
DFG funding: 23. April 2012
Acquisition of fourth Scanner: June 2012
Acquisition of fifth Scanner: July 2012
10000 plates (21%) scanned: September 2012
15000 plates (31%) scanned: February 2013
17500 plates (36%) scanned: July 2013
20000 plates (42%) scanned: January 2014
25000 plates (52%) scanned: September 2014
30000 plates (63%) scanned: September 2015
35000 plates (73%) scanned: October 2016
40000 plates (83%) scanned: August 2017
45000 plates (94%) scanned: October 2017
50000 plates (97%) scanned: May 2018
Actual number of plates published: (04/02/2022): 64576 (Astro-archives 47667 , Image-archives 13564, B.Schmidt-archives 3345) plates with more than 287000 image files.
The data base contains 46020 astro-plates, 1226 focus plates excluded. For 9060 plates time stamps are not abailable. On 36487 plates, due to multiple exposures, 60369 observations with known stamps are available. There is a total of 70495 observations on all astro-plates.
April 2010: Gemeinschaft der Freunde der Hamburger Sternwarte e.V.
April 2012: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG(LIS 25) GR969/4-1
February 2016: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG(LIS 25) SCM 1032/552